Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cell Phones, and How I'm Addicted

In a recent poll taken throughout the country, roughly 71% of North American teens own a cell phone, meaning that over half the teenage population has some sort of communication device at all times. It is estimated that 250-300 million cell phones are currently being used in the U.S. Is this a good thing? Or a bad? I, personally, am very addicted to my cell phone. If anything was to happen to it and it didn’t work for a couple hours, I would serious not know how to function. I find myself always checking the time or waiting for a text message. If I could figure out how much of my life I wasted on texting I totally would.

If you think about it, students aren’t allowed to have cell phones in some schools and classes, however sometimes a cell phone might actually be useful. There are calculators on cell phones and other applications you can purchase to help you throughout your period in school. Schools, the survey found, often ban cell phones from classrooms, and some from school grounds entirely, seeing them as a "disruptive force." Yet, even though having conversations during class may be disruptive, still, more than half of teens that own mobile phones said they have sent a text message during class, even though their school bans mobile phones. Kids are going to text either way.

I believe that kids should be allowed to have cell phones at school. Maybe not in class in general, but in the hallways or the cafeteria should be acceptable. If I child wants to look something up on the internet on their phone they should, or if they want to read a book online instead of carrying the actual book around, they should also be able to do that too.

The world is changing so fast and we need to let go of America’s old ways and realize that the change is occurring and if we don’t change with it, we will be left behind.


  1. I completely agree. Cell phones are very helpful,. it is a shame that they are banned from the schools. The iphones and droid phones have so many applications like a scientific calendar, dictionary, and online books that it is actually an educational resource. The school systems see them as a distraction, but they are actually very positive. The rules should be altered a bit. Technology is on the rise, and it is not necessarily a bad thing. cell phones should be incorporated into the school system because so many kids use them anyway.

  2. Cell phones should be permitted in the schools because regardless kids will use them anyways. Phones can be very helpful in schools it has the internet and is quick acess. Phones are good in schools because in the case of an emergency you know someone will have a phone on them. I can say that I am not totally depended on my phone I can leave for a few hours and not go through withdrawls. If people are totally depended and cannot leave their phones then that is when the cells phones become a problem in schools.

  3. It is indeed true that, cell phones are addicting. In most cases peoples cell phones are not only a way to text and talk but also a way to the web. Cell phone usage is going to go on regardless so it should be permitted in school at least in middle schools. So i can completely compare to you as being addicted to my cell phone because without i will be lost for sure. It is my since of comfort because with my phone close by me i am always connected to all my social networks.

  4. Cell phones are one of the main technological advancements of latest technology. These simple communication devices (cell phones) make teens feel secure, knowing that they can reach who ever they desire in emergency situations. When tragic events occur like the September 11th attacks or the columbine shooting, it is simple to stay informed and relay information in matter of seconds.

    Most students use their phones responsibly. Instead of schools banning cell phones, they need to teach students how to use them in society. That way, when students get out of school,they will understand how to use their phone respectively around others. Cell phones play a major role in society, so responsible use should be taught in school. Disciplinary actions should be enforced in the schools when cell phones are "misused" according to the school's rules, but cell phones shouldn't be totally banned.
